Serious. Litigation. Discussion.
Litigation Community
Litiscape was built for practitioners and interested laypeople alike, as a resource for examining and learning about litigation.
Litigation Forums
Litiscape was founded upon the belief that the judicial branch of government benefits from litigants, practitioners and judges who are well-informed.
Litigation Discourse
At Litiscape, vigorous but civil debate is encouraged in an effort to allow the best-reasoned position to prevail. The court of public opinion is the presiding tribunal here.
What is Litiscape?
Did the judge get it wrong?
Discuss unprincipled or capricious legal rulings. For litigators, nothing is more frustrating than seeing the better-reasoned position rejected by the Court due to bias or ignorance. Exposure and analysis of defective rulings may lead to their reduction.
Or did you?
The first step towards improvement is acknowledgement of a flaw. Maybe you were out-researched; maybe your opponent had a better grasp of the relevant facts. If your position lost and you can admit fault, discussing it here with experienced litigators can lead to professional enrichment along with the corresponding likelihood that your mistake(s) will not be repeated.